Working Time
Office® makes everyone happy! Try our Calculator to see the cost and savings. Teamplanning Actually teamplanning is making your team or department really happy, by taking into account all of the following plan components. Wouldn’t you like your team to work pleasantly? Make sure you will be also number one in teamplanning. Try it out for yourself. |
Capacity needed Is your schedule always the same or does it change regularly? During the day, nights, weekends, certain periods? Then adapt and adjust it constantly. |
Schedule checking Do you take labour law rules and regulations into consideration? Is it a healthy schedule for employees? This gives less problems and probably no penalties. |
Reporting Do the people in your team, management and accounting currently have a clear picture? Schedules and time-reporting will provide a greater clarity. |
Vacation The holidays are always difficult to plan. Is the occupation still enough? A holiday card per employee with the current state is important. |
Counting hours Is it possible during planning to have a continuous insight into contractual hours, idle hours and overtime? This really saves time and money. |
Qualifications Important during scheduling is to consider qualifications, availability and absence of employees. Quality of work is valuable. |
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