Working Time
Office® makes everyone happy! Try our Calculator to see the cost and savings. Documentation In addition to the information at this website you can get more information by downloading product leaflets and summaries. You can use Working Time Office as a trial for 30 days and maybe you can also make your colleagues happy. Labour Law The system as implemented in the Netherlands offers a 100% reliable evaluation based on Dutch Labour law. Others Labour Laws and Collective Agrements evaluationsets can be added. Decent Working Time In the downloadable international version, the adjustable Decent Working Time (DWT) evaluationset is included. This set is based upon European Directives, International Labour Oraganization Conventions and extra rules recomended by Déhora. These rules you can customize to your local Labour Law or Collective Agreement rules. In this way your schedules can easely comply to these rules. Better schedules means less sick, less overtime, less leaving employees which saves on hiring and training. Cooperation We work hard on many Collective Agrements evaluationsets and do so in close cooperation with employers and union organisations. The correct schedule evaluation functioning of the evaluatiesets is this way 100% guaranteed. |
Product brochures These PDF files provide more information on the different modules. The summary card about the included DWT evaluatieset very useful during planning. |
Evaluationsets We can develop any check which can be combined into one set. Through a license for these evaluationsets they can be used in de WTO. The rules of the included DWT set can be adjusted by yourself. |
Manuals The manuals are available for download after signing up. The Working Time Office installation manual can already be retrieved through the link above. |
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